Deck9 Astronaut

We create software for people

Software is not just created to make money. It is made for the people who use it every day. It is a carefully crafted work with attention to detail and design. It serves the purpose of forging real value. And this is what we strive to build.

December 2020

Deck9 launches as software agency

June 2020

A Guide To Surveys and GDPR

This guide aims to give you quick five-step guidance on how to create an effective but GDPR compliant survey. The following are the steps you should take at a minimum to support the European General Data Protection Regulation rules.

January 2018

Why you don’t need AI to build a chatbot

Artificial Intelligence, or more specific „Machine Learning“, was probably one of the most hyped topics in 2017. But can AI be a disadvantage?

October 2017

First version of BotReach created

To this point I never released a product by myself. It is time to change that. Let me introduce you to BotReach. It is a replacement for the overcomplicated AI chatbot platforms, that everybody is talking about right now. You don't want to spend time to learn all that fancy AI bullshit? Then try out BotReach and save valuable time.